12345 subscribers
Telegram channel or group widget for your website
Will increase the number of subscribers
for the Telegram channel or group
for the Telegram channel or group

Indicates the last activity on the channel or group

Motivates to join the society

Widget free trial 3 days
TGWidget advantages

Various widget formats for
any purposes
any purposes
Easy and convenient integration into various
web-site formats, at different places
web-site formats, at different places
- Indication of the visitors’ activity
of your channel/group in Telegram - Convenient subscription button

Your programmer will prepare the necessary widget design within 5 minutes!
Modify widget CSS to fit the web-site design

Easily modify the messages in the widget
Delete the unnecessary messages directly from the widget
* you need to log in to the private account

New subscribers
for 7.99$ per month
for 7.99$ per month
It’s cheaper than any other
channel promotion!
channel promotion!
Start free trial period
right now
right now